

Are your drivers insured?

Yes, our drivers are insured and have gone through a comprehensive background check.

Where is my car when I’m in a winery?
Your car will stay where it was parked. It will not move without you.
Can we extend our time?

Yes. We often have clients that will extend the time for many reasons, for example, to have dinner before returning.

Can we bring our dog?

Yes. Almost all the wineries are pet friendly, and since we are in your car, your furry family member can absolutely come along.

Who plans our wine tour?

It’s totally up to you. If you have some favorite places picked out, our driver will take you to them. If you would like some help deciding, our drivers can suggest some wineries based on your preference. The Monticello Wine Trail website, monticellowinetrail.com, provides a great tool under the ‘Plan Your Visit’ tab. Some wineries require reservations. Check with winery or us to find out if reservations are required. 

Please feel free to call us with any questions you have!